Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 9: Sea Glass

Deep yellow top with capped and ruffled sleeves, green, multi colored leggings (but mostly blue, purple, white and yellow), high tops, purple, set of glass Dolphin earrings and necklace, dark blue glass bead and chain bracelet w/ fish. Note: I saw a little girl of about 3-4 years old with her Mama in line at Panera. She informed me I looked like a Mermaid because of my "scaly" leggings. I don't know if my marine life jewelry gave it away, but I had already I was going to name this outfit "sea glass" this morning haha
Art in nature: I find it amazing that man's left overs from items that had a totally different purpose (Coke bottle, Mason jar) can work with nature to make art and a whole new ecosystem. Bucket list item: visit a glass beach or find at least one piece in my life time.

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